• • 奥巴马每周电视讲话:在经济进展的基础上继续努力

    Building on a Record of Economic Progress (November 19, 2016) 在经济进展的基础上继续努力(2016年11月19日) Hi folks, this is Joe Biden. 大家好.我是乔?拜登 Over the last eight years, we've created more jobs than all the advanced...

  • • 奥巴马每周电视讲话:向退伍军人致敬(02)

    put back on the camouflage of everyday life in America, becoming small business people, teachers and coaches, 回到在美国每天生活的伪装中;他们成为小企业主,教师和教练, our first responders and city council members and neighbor...

  • • 奥巴马每周电视讲话:因为平价医疗法案,我们所取得的进展(03)

    it was to make sure more people have better coverage. 而是确保更多的人们获得更好的覆盖。 And as we continue working to make the system better, 随着我们继续努力工作,让体系更好, there's something you can do to help y...

  • • 奥巴马每周电视讲话:因为平价医疗法案,我们所取得的进展(02)

    You can even look up your doctor and medications as you shop. 你甚至可以在购买的同时,查找到你的医生和药品。 Most Americans who get coverage through HealthCare.gov can find an option that costs less than $75 a month. 大部分通...

  • • 奥巴马每周电视讲话:因为平价医疗法案,我们所取得的进展(01)

    Hi, everybody. Americans have been fighting for the idea that health care is a right 大家好。人们一直在为了医疗保健是权利 not a privilege since the second-to-last time the Cubs won the World Series. 而不是特权的目标而奋斗着...

  • • 奥巴马每周电视讲话:实现治愈癌症登月计划的任务(05)

    Now, a veteran who is diagnosed with cancer at the Veterans Administration 现在在沃尔特里德被诊断为患癌症的退伍军人, can get his or her cancer genome done immediately their tumor sequenced 可以在肿瘤序列完成后很快获得...