• • 用美国人的一天学英语 Unit 1 Go to Work 去上班 02

    Conversation 会话 Good morning, Mr. Smith. 早安,史密斯先生。 Good morning, Jamie. What time is it now? 早安,杰米。现在几点了? It is 9 o'clock now. 现在9点整。 I see. What is today's schedule? 我知道了。今天的行程

  • • 用美国人的一天学英语 Unit 1 Go to Work 去上班 03

    Proverbs Idioms 谚语与惯用语 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 整天工作不玩耍,聪明杰克也变傻。〈意思是说工作与休闲要并重。〉 Don't always sit at the computer and think about work only. All work and no p

  • • 用美国人的一天学英语 Unit 1 Go to Work 去上班 04

    Sentence Emergency Room 会话急救箱 fax Can you fax this to Mr. Chen by 9 o' clock? 你可以在9点前把这份文件传真给陈先生吗? set up Hello, can you make a phone call to Mr. Brown and set up the meeing time? 你好,你可以打电话

  • • 用美国人的一天学英语 Unit 2 Go to school 去学校 02

    Conversation 会话 Hi, Jenny. Are you going to school now? 嗨,珍妮,你现在要去上学吗? Yup. I have English at 9 in the morning. 是啊!我早上9点有英文课。 Got any plans after the class? 下课后有事吗? Not really. Wha

  • • 用美国人的一天学英语 Unit 2 Go to school 去学校 03

    cut class/cut school 逃学 Jane was punished because she cut school in order to join the party. 简因为要去派对逃学而被处罚了。 from the old school 老派的 Aunt Helen is from the old school. She loves to wear a colorful long skirt. 海

  • • 用美国人的一天学英语 Unit 2 Go to school 去学校 04

    Sentence Emergency Room 会话急救箱 Are you good at playing golf? 你擅长打高尔夫球吗? Yes, I am good at playing it. 是的,我很会打。 What time does your school start? 你学校几点开始上课? It starts at 7:00 am. 早上7点

  • • 用美国人的一天学英语 Unit 3 Go to Bank去银行 01

    Conversation 会话 Hi, Jenny. You look like you are in a hurry to somewhere. Where are you going? 嗨,珍妮。你看起来好像赶着去哪里一样,你要去哪里? I am going to the bank. I need to cash some checks. 我要去银行。我要将

  • • 用美国人的一天学英语 Unit 3 Go to Bank去银行 02

    break the bank 用完所有的钱 Buying a new pair of shoes at a discount price won't break the bank. 用折扣后的价格买一双鞋不会用完所有的钱。 bank on something 信赖某事 I'll pay back all the money. You can bank on it. 我会还

  • • 用美国人的一天学英语 Unit 4 Go to Post Office去邮局 02

    Conversation 会话 Excuse me, Ma' am. I would like to mail this package door to door via airmail to London. It is a very important package and has to be sent within 3 days. 不好意思,小姐。我想用航空挂号邮寄这件包裹到伦敦,这

  • • 用美国人的一天学英语 Unit 4 Go to Post Office去邮局 03

    Proverbs Idioms 谚语与惯用语 snail mail 纸笔信件 ,用于区分电子邮件 It is outdated to send snail mails. Almost all the people send emails nowadays. 寄纸笔信已过时了,大部分的人现在发电子邮件。 junk mail 垃圾邮