• • 旅游英语口语就该这么说:第1期 旅游计划句型大全

    You can hear this... 你可以听这个 1.Well, sightseeing gives you much joy. 观光会给你增添许多乐趣。 2.However beautiful the view is,I'm not happy without you. 无论风景多么美丽,没有你我不会快乐。 3.The transportatio

  • • 旅游英语口语就该这么说:第2期 旅游计划 去哪里

    Do you have a sightseeing plan in the coming holiday? 在即将来临的暑假你打算去做什么? Oh, not yet. What about you? 哦,还没想好。你呢? Where are you going to go this year? 今年你们打算去什么地方? What are you

  • • 旅游英语口语就该这么说:第3期 旅游计划 为何去

    What's your reason to go to Qingdao? 你去青岛的理由是什么? Because I want to get nearer to the sea. 因为我想离大海更近。 I was attracted by the monkeys in the mountain. 我被山中的猴子吸引了。 It can enlarge you knowle

  • • 旅游英语口语就该这么说:第4期 旅游计划 何时去

    I am looking forward to going to Tian'anmen this Spring Festival with you. 我盼望着这个春节能和你去天安门。 I'm afraid but I only have three days free. 对不起,我可能只有有三天空闲时间。 When will you have time on ear

  • • 旅游英语口语就该这么说:第5期 旅游计划 和谁去

    Do you want me to go with you? 你想让我跟你一起去吗? Of course. 当然了。 Whom would you like to go with? 你想和谁一起去? I think you can't do without me. 我觉得你少了我不行。 I like to go there with the people havin

  • • 旅游英语口语就该这么说:第6期 旅游计划 去多久

    How long are you going to stay in Zhang jia jie? 你准备在张家界待多久? It depends on the view there. 这将由那边的风景决定。 I really want to live here for ever if I had no work. 如果我没有工作,我真的想永远住在这

  • • 旅游英语口语就该这么说:第7期 旅游计划 收集信息

    Have you find the information about the consumption level there? 你找到有关消费水平的信息了吗? Let me see. I just connected the Internet. 让我看看,我刚接通网络。 What the city looks like? 那是一个怎样的城市? Wh

  • • 旅游英语口语就该这么说:第9期 旅游计划 看天气

    It is said there will be rain tomorrow on the mountain. 据说明天山上会有雨。 Oh, what can we do. 噢,那我们怎么办? What will the weather be like there when we arrive? 当我们到的时候,那里的天气会是怎样的呢? We

  • • 旅游英语口语就该这么说:第10期 旅游准备 句型大全

    You can hear this... 你可以听这个 1.Can I have a tour brochure? 能给我一个旅行手册吗? 2.Can you introduce some of your tours to me? 你能给我推荐一些你们的旅行线路吗? 3.Is there a tour with a guide speaking English?

  • • 旅游英语口语就该这么说:第11期 旅游准备 联系旅行社

    Is there a tour goes to Shanghai these days? 这些天有到上海的旅行吗? Yes.The tour that goes to Shanghai leaves every other day. 有的。到上海的旅行每隔一天发团一次。 How often does this line set out? 这条线多长时间发

  • • 旅游英语口语就该这么说:第12期 旅游准备 旅行线路

    Could you tell me which tour is the best for this season? 你能告诉我哪一个旅行线路是这个季节最好的吗? A short term tour or a long-distant tour? 一个短期的旅行,还是长期的? Do you have any other tour? 你们还有别

  • • 旅游英语口语就该这么说:第15期 旅游准备 办证

    I apply for a visa. 我申请一个签证。 What's your purpose to Australia? 你去澳大利亚的目的是什么? Do you have sufficient funds to support yourself during the period of the visit? 你有足够的资金保证你在游览期间的花费