• • 口腔临床英语对话 第1期:第一次看牙预约(1)

    Good morning, Doctor Smith. 早安,史密斯医生。 Good morning, Miss Jones. Please come in. 早安,琼斯小姐。请进。 I see that you brought some new nurses uniforms with you. 我看见你带着新的护士服装。 They're very attract

  • • 口腔临床英语对话 第4期:口腔预防治疗(1)

    Part two 第二章 Oral Prophylaxis 口腔预防治疗 What kind of toothbrush do you use, Mrs. Williamson? 威廉森太太,你用什么样的牙刷? I use a soft brush. I don't remember the brand name. 我用的是软牙刷。我记不得身摸牌

  • • 口腔临床英语对话 第5期:口腔预防治疗(2)

    Before you leave, I'll polish your teeth and remove the rest of the stain. 在你离开以前,我要把你的牙齿磨一磨, 并把留下来的着色剂磨掉。 How much have you done, Miss Jones? 琼斯小姐,干到哪了? Oh, hello Doctor

  • • 口腔临床英语对话 第6期:牙科手术(1)

    Good morning Mrs. Hall. If none of your teeth are bothering you, I'll restore the tooth with the largest cavity. 霍尔太太,早安。 假如你的牙齿不让你难受的话, 那么我就把蛀的最厉害的牙补一补。 This is the tooth th

  • • 口腔临床英语对话 第7期:牙科手术(2)

    What is the chance of the pulp dying,Doctor? 医生,牙髓坏死是常见的死吗? You can't be absolutely sure in these cases,but I'm very confident (sure) that everything will be OK. 你的情况不一定是牙髓坏死, 我有信心一切

  • • 口腔临床英语对话 第9期:有关龋齿的解释(2)

    Enamel is the hard outer tooth layer. 牙釉质是牙齿坚硬的外层。 The cavity gets larger by entering the softer second tooth layer, the dentin. 蛀牙洞到了牙齿的较软的第二层, 也就是牙本质时,龋洞就会变得大的多。

  • • 口腔临床英语对话 第10期:根管治疗法(1)

    Part five 第五章 Endodontic Treatment 根管治疗法 There's a patient with severe pain in the waiting room, Doctor. 医生,在候诊室有一个病人牙痛得很厉害。 Take an X-ray and ask him to sit down in treatment room number two. 给她

  • • 口腔临床英语对话 第12期:根管治疗法(3)

    I have a root canal filling in one of my teeth. The tooth is changing color. Can anything be done about it? 我有一颗牙在牙根管里补过。现在这颗牙变了颜色,有什么办法可以解决? Sometimes a tooth with a root canal fillin

  • • 口腔临床英语对话 第13期:根尖切除术(1)

    Part six 第六章 Apicoectomy 根尖切除术 Excuse me. Is the Doctor in? 请问,医生在吗? Good afternoon, sir. The Doctor is here today. Do you have an appointment? 下午好,先生。医生今天不上班。你预约了没有? No, I d

  • • 口腔临床英语对话 第14期:根尖切除术(2)

    Good. I'm not busy now, but I have to meet a friend in an hour and a half. 好,我现在不忙,但是我过了一个半小时要见一个朋友。 Will there be any side effects? 会有什么副作用吗? There'll be a little bit of bleeding, b