• • 快口说英语004

    4.离家出门 Bye,Im leaving. 再见,我要走了。 1.Have you seen my briefcase? 你有没有看到我的手提箱? 2.I'll pick you up at 3:30. 我下午3点半去接你。 3.Car pool will be here in a minute. 接你上班的人马上就要来

  • • 快口说英语005

    5 早晨看报Hand me the sports section ,will you ? 把运动版递给我,好吗? 1.I like to read the features and the local news. 我喜欢看专题报道跟本地新闻。 2.I read the editorials every day. 我每天都读社论。 3.I enjoy

  • • 快口说英语006

    I'll have a sandwich for lunch. 我午餐想吃三明治。 吃午餐1.I'll have a sandwich for lunch. 我午餐想吃三明治。 2.I'll get you a Coke to go with your sandwich. 我帮你拿一杯可乐,让你吃三明治时喝。 3.I just made so

  • • 快口说英语008

    听广播Does this station play good music? 这个电台播的音乐好听吗? 听收音机1.The disc jockey played all my favorite songs. 这个音乐主持人播的音乐都是我最喜欢听的。 2.He hosted a call-in radio show. 他主持一个电

  • • 快口说英语009

    9.有客来访Who's there? 是谁呀? 1.Who's there? 谁在那里? 2.Who is it? 你是谁? 1.Unlock the door and let me in. 把门打开让我进去。 2.May Icome in? 我可以进来吗? 1.Ring the doorbell.请按门铃。 2.Please use the d

  • • 快口说英语011

    11 下班回家 Honey,I'm home. 亲爱的,我回家了。 Honey,I'm home. I'm upstairs. Hi ,how was your day? Good! What's for dinner? Hi. You look beat! I had a rough day at the office. How was traffic? Rush hour was murder. upstairs 楼上 rough (口

  • • 快口说英语014

    摆餐桌 Did you set the table? 你把餐桌摆好了没有? 对话 Come to the table.Supper's ready. Coming. 来吃饭,晚餐已经好了。 来了。 Wash your hands.It's time to eat. Be there in a minute. 把手洗一洗,该吃饭了。 马上