• • 英文笑话:I Hope So 我希望如此

    Neighbor: Do you think your son will forget all he learned at college? Father: I hope so. He certainly can't make a living by kissing girls! 邻居:您认为您的儿子会把在大学里学的东西全忘光吗? 父亲:我希望这样--他当然...

  • • 英文笑话:Something I Didn't Do 我没做的事

    Mother: What are you crying for? Tommy: Teacher kept me in for something I didn't do. Mother: Something you didn't do? What was it? Tommy: M-m-my lessons. 妈妈:你哭什么? 汤米:老师为了一件我没做的事把我留下了。 妈妈:一件你没做的事?什么事? 汤米...

  • • 英文笑话:Settle Down and Settle Up 一字之差

    When my brother, a notorious spender, came home for a visit, he told my father he was going to get married and settle down. Dad said, Why don't you stay single and settle up. 我的哥哥是个有名的挥霍者。他回家来时,告诉父亲说他要结婚了,要安定下来。父...

  • • 英文笑话:A Thank-you Letter 感谢信

    Are you writing a thank-you letter to Grandpa like I told you? Yes, Mum. Your handwriting seems very large. Well, Grandpa's deaf, so I'm writing very loud. 你是在按照我说的给爷爷写信感谢他吗? 是的,妈妈。 你的字好象写得太大了。 嗯,爷爷的耳朵不好,...

  • • 英文笑话:Is Ink So Expensive? 墨水很贵吗?

    Son: Is ink so very expensive, father? Father: Why, son, what makes you think so? Son: W...well. Mother seems quite disturbed because I spilled some on the carpet. 儿子:爸爸,墨水很贵吗? 父亲:不贵呀,你为什么这么想? 儿子:哦,我把墨水洒了一点在...

  • • 英文笑话:It's Not My Fault 这不是我的过错

    Aren't you ashamed of yourself, Victor? You're the worst pupil in your class. Said the father. What's that got to do with me? Is it my fault that the worst one was yesterday transferred to another school? was the answer. 维克多,你是班里最差的学生。...