• • 蒋健棠英语实用句子01:It's hard to discern his true intent

    It's hard to discern his true intention in such a short period of time. 要在如此短的时间内看出他的真正企图是好难的。 discern,看出,辨出。 discern good from evil分辨善与恶。 He almost could not discern the road in the

  • • 蒋健棠英语实用句子02:Must-have

    If you go hiking,a pair of hiking boots is a must-have. 如果你要去爬山,一双登山鞋是必不可少的东西。 must-have指必不可少的东西;也可指人人都想要的东西。 This new Mp3 is a must-have. 这台新的mp3真的是非

  • • 蒋健棠英语实用句子04:You will get to eat great American

    You will get to eat great American food.你将可吃到很棒的美国食品。 get to do something就是能够做... 如果你的朋友对你说刚从动物园看完小熊回来,你可问他 Did you get to hold the baby bears.你可抱那些小熊吗

  • • 蒋健棠英语实用句子05:He is a junior in high school

    He is a junior in high school他是个高中三年级的学生。 在美国的高中和大学都有四年,而每年都有专门的词去表达。 junior就是指高中和大学的第三年,同时也指这个年纪的学生。 He is a junior in co

  • • 蒋健棠英语实用句子:Tumport is hogging the TV

    Tumport is hogging the TV. Tumport霸占着电视机。 hog是指猪,也可指一个贪心和自私的人;做动词可表示霸占。 to hog something表示把某东西据为己有,独占某东西。

  • • 蒋健棠英语实用句子07:She is suffering from depression

    She is suffering from depression.她患上了忧郁症。 depression表示沮丧的意思,同时也指心理疾病忧郁症。 Talking with others brought her out of her depression.和别人交谈使她不再忧郁。

  • • 蒋健棠英语实用句子09:Enough is enough

    enough is enough,够了就是够了,指某情况令人无法忍受,不能继续下去了。 Enough is enough,I can't lend you any more money,you never pay me back. 够了就是够了,我不能再借钱给你,你从不还钱的。

  • • 蒋健棠英语实用句子10:I live a good mile away

    I live a good mile away.我住在整整一英里远。 当中的good表示充分的,整整的意思。 上句相当于 I live at least a mile away. He waited a good five hours.他等了整整五小时。

  • • 蒋健棠英语实用句子11:My parents don't see eye to eye

    My parents don't see eye to eye on anything. 我的父母在任何问题上看法都不同。 to see eye to eye with someone,和某人看法一致,多用在否定句中,在某问题上看法一致用介词on. I don't see eye to eye with Tumport我和

  • • 蒋健棠英语实用句子12:When I saw a poisonous snake on the road

    When I saw a poisonous snake on the road I stepped on the gas at once. 当我看到路上有条毒蛇时,我马上加大了油门。 step on the gas比较口语的说法,其实是step on the pedal,踩的是那个踏板。

  • • 蒋健棠英语实用句子14:They met at the party and clicked right away

    They met at the party and clicked right away. 他们在派对上认识,马上就说话投机了。 click本指用鼠标来点击,在上句中click指人与人之间很投缘很快就成为好友,这是比较口语的说法。

  • • 蒋健棠英语实用句子15:He is really two-faced

    John is not as nice as he pretends to be,he is really two-faced. 约翰根本不是他装出来的那么好人,他真是条两头蛇。 two-faced形容东西时表示有两面的,形容人时表示表里不一的,虚伪的。 John is a two-faced