
深圳“百万市民讲外语”活动组织委会编著,目录:第1课 问候和介绍 第2课 聊天 第3课 道别 第4课 你觉得深圳怎么样? 第5课 邀约 第6课 感谢与道歉。。。。。。



  • 基本英语100句(深圳)unit01-05添加文本 unit 1 my name is zhang smith, my name is zhang smith, welcome to shenzheng, welcome to shenzheng what's your name ,please? what's your name ,please? nice meeting you! nice meeting you! many talk! hello,my name is zhang smith, welcome to shenzheng,mr
  • 基本英语100句(深圳)unit06-10 Unit 6 thanks and apologies Excuse me. Thank you. You're welcome. I'm sorry. It's OK. Excuse me,where can I buy a map of Shenzhen? Oh, you can get one at a newspaper stand. Thank you.You're welcome. I'm sorry i'm late,the bus didn't come on time toda
  • 基本英语100句(深圳)unit11-15 Unit 11 making a phone call Hello, can I speak to John? Wrong number. Hold on please. Sorry, he's out. Where can I find a pay phone? Speaking. Hello, can I speak to John? Sorry, wrong number. Oh, I'm sorry. Hello ,is John there? Hold on, please. Hell
  • 基本英语100句(深圳)unit16-20 unit 16 Night life 夜生活 73.You have many choices. 有很多选择 74.How about a snack? 来点儿夜宵怎么样? 75.Would you like something to drink? 要点儿喝的吗? 76.It's free. 这是免费的。 77.The bill is on me. 今天我请客。
  • 基本英语100句(深圳)word a-d a little 有点儿 ahead 前方 all right 不要紧 all right 可以 along 沿着 always 始终 amazing 令人吃惊的 any 任何 anything 任何事 apology 道歉 ask for 请求 away 在远方 baby 婴幼儿 back 回来 bank 银行 beautiful 美丽的
  • 基本英语100句(深圳)word e-g early 早 east 东方 else 其他 enjoy 享受....的乐趣 estate 小区 everything 每样事物 exam 考试 exchange 兑换 excuse 原谅 exercise 锻炼 exit 出口 fair 交易会 famous 著名的 far 远的 fascinating 迷人的 fee 服务费 fil
  • 基本英语100句(深圳)word h-m habit 习惯 health 健康 hello 你好 help 帮助 here 这里 hi-tech 高科技 hold on 不要挂机 Hongli Road 红荔路 hope 希望 hotel 宾馆 household 家庭 housing 住宅 how about....? 怎么样? how long 多久 how much 多少 hungry 饥
  • 基本英语100句(深圳)word n-s name 列举;名字 New Centruy Hotel 新世纪酒店 New Youk 纽约 newspaper stand 报摊 next 下一个 nice 令人愉快的 night 夜晚 no wonder 难怪 number 号码 o'clock ....点钟 OK 没关系 on time 准时 open 开放 order 点菜 over
  • 基本英语100句(深圳)word t-y [00:00.00]unit 11 Making a phone call [00:03.70]打电话 [00:07.39]Core Sentences [00:09.52]核心句 [00:11.65]47.Hello.Can I speak to John? [00:15.82]喂,能叫约翰听电话吗? [00:19.98]48.Wrong number. [00:22.77]你打错电话了。 [00:
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