• • 胡敏读故事记单词 体面的入场中

    [00:00.00]amass-ancestor Animal testing [00:02.85]动物实验 [00:05.69]It was always my ambition to be a research analyst [00:08.32]我那时的抱负一直是做研究分析员, [00:10.95]studying amphibian anatomy for the benefit of mankind. [0

  • • 胡敏读故事记单词 体面的入场下

    [00:00.00]beach-bidding A dog attack [00:02.65]狂犬出击 [00:05.30]I bet our Bereaved widow [00:07.94]我敢打赌,我们那位丧失亲人的寡妇 [00:10.58]had no idea the beast would one day not listen to her husband. [00:13.20]从没想过那

  • • 胡敏读故事记单词 打败儿子中

    [00:00.00]Two hours later the pigment of the skin of the swimmers began to change. [00:03.10]两小时后,游泳者的皮肤色素开始起变化。 [00:06.19]In the first phase it was just a couple of spots [00:08.56]在第一阶段,只有几个小

  • • 胡敏读故事记单词 打败儿子下

    [00:00.00]prey -- proclaim The privileged [00:02.39]特权阶级 [00:04.78]Relaxing in his tent, [00:06.61]校长一面在帐篷里休息, [00:08.44]the principal was in the process of reviewing his primer [00:11.32]一面在温习他那本 [00:14.

  • • 胡敏读故事记单词 可被牺牲的外交官上

    [00:00.00]diminish-discretion Expendable diplomats [00:03.24]可被牺牲的外交官 [00:06.48]You know that I have diplomatic immunity!said the Ambassador, [00:09.21]你知道我有外交豁免权!大使说。 [00:11.94]I strongly disapprove of you

  • • 胡敏读故事记单词 可被牺牲的外交官下

    [00:00.00]facilitate-fantasy Travel through time [00:03.04]穿越时间的旅行 [00:06.09]It was a fanatical fantasy, [00:09.10]虽然那是个狂热的幻想, [00:12.12]but Dr.Hathaway was determined to find fameby being the first to travel throu

  • • 胡敏读故事记单词 我的家人上

    [00:00.00]junk--lag My kin [00:02.69]我的家人 [00:05.38]My kin have always had a knack for laborious work. [00:08.87]我的家人向来有妙法搞定吃力的活儿。 [00:12.36]We even have our own lab downstairs. [00:14.48]我们甚至还在楼下

  • • 胡敏读故事记单词 我的家人下

    [00:00.00]mitigate--monster A full-blown drunk [00:02.85]一个彻头彻尾的酒鬼 [00:05.69]Dick moaned.He had no mobility in his body and momentary dizziness. [00:09.87]迪克呻吟着。他不仅身子动弹不了,还伴有短暂的眩晕, [