• • 洪恩环境英语第一册课文 第2课:那是谁

    Lesson 2 Steven,Who's that? 史蒂文,那是谁 [00:06.79]Steven,who's that? [00:22.73]史蒂文,那是谁? [00:38.66]That's Mike Davis.He's a cameraman. [00:41.18]那是迈克.戴维斯。他是摄影师 [00:43.70]Susan,this is Mike Davis.Mike,Susan. [00:48.93]苏珊,这位

  • • 洪恩环境英语第一册课文 第3课:回头见

    Lesson 3 See you later. 回头见 [00:28.19]Well? She's great. Yes. [00:31.22]怎样? 她棒极了。 是的。 [00:34.25]So,who's the new host? [00:36.23]那么,谁是新主播? [00:38.22]Susan?John?Jake? [00:41.04]苏珊?约翰?杰克? [00:43.86]Hi,Mike.Hi,Linda. [00:

  • • 洪恩环境英语第一册课文 第4课:你从哪儿来

    Lesson 4 Where are you form ,Loy? 劳埃,你从哪儿来 [00:20.01]My job is newscaster.I'm a newscaster. [00:27.59]我的工作是新闻播音员。我是一名新闻播音员。 [00:35.16]Yes,John.You're a newscaster,and Susan's a newscaster. [00:38.39]是的,约翰。你是一名新

  • • 洪恩环境英语第一册课文 第5课:你结婚了吗?

    Lesson 5 Are you Married? 你结婚了吗? [00:18.21]Hi. Hi. Are you OK? [00:27.94]嗨! 嗨! 你还好吧? [00:37.67]Yes,fine. Really? No,I'm not fine. [00:41.23]是的,很好。 真的? 不,我不舒服。 [00:44.80]Oh.Is it the omelet? [00:47.18]噢,是因为煎蛋卷吗

  • • 洪恩环境英语第一册课文 第6课:她是法国人吗?

    Lesson 6 Is she from France? 她是法国人吗? [00:06.58]That's my father.Patrick Baines Webster. [00:19.76]那是我父亲。巴特瑞克.贝恩斯.韦伯斯特。 [00:32.94]Is he Irish? Yes.He's from Dublin,Ireland. [00:36.32]他是爱尔兰人吗? 是的,他来自爱尔兰的都柏林

  • • 洪恩环境英语第一册课文 第7课:这些是给你的

    Lesson 7 These are for you. 这些是给你的 [00:06.69]Oh,my contact lenses! [00:20.01]噢,我的隐形眼镜! [00:33.33]Who is it? It's Jake. [00:38.32]谁呀? 是杰克。 [00:43.31]Jake? Jake Seltzer from the station. [00:46.04]杰克。 电视台的杰克.萨尔茨 [00:48

  • • 洪恩环境英语第一册课文 第8课:这镇上有没有一家浪漫地法国餐馆

    Lesson 8 Is there a romantic French restaurant in this town? 这镇上有没有一家浪漫地法国餐馆 [00:07.18]Where's the post office? [00:16.77]邮局在哪儿? [00:26.36]It's here,between the hospital and the theater. [00:29.04]在这儿,医院和电影院在中间。 [00

  • • 洪恩环境英语第一册课文 第9课:苏珊很美

    Lesson 9 Susan's beautiful. 苏珊很美 [00:06.69]What's this? It's tissue. [00:13.81]这是什么? 是面巾纸。 [00:20.92]Thanks.Susan's beautiful. [00:24.95]谢谢。苏珊很美。 [00:28.97]You're beautiful too,Carol. [00:31.63]卡罗,你也很美。 [00:34.30]Hi,Caro

  • • 洪恩环境英语第一册课文 第10课:你有录像机吗

    Lesson 10 Do you have a VCR? 你有录像机吗 [00:07.00]Susan,do you have a date tonight? [00:19.68]苏珊,今晚有约会吗? [00:32.37]Oh,I have an appointment,Jake. [00:34.55]噢,杰克,我有个约会。 [00:36.73]What kind of appointment? [00:38.45]什么样的约会

  • • 洪恩环境英语第一册课文 第11课:你会说几种语言

    Lesson 11 How many languages do you speak? 你会说几种语言 [00:06.58]Is he your boyfriend? No.He's my brother. [00:14.67]他是你的男朋友吗? 不,他是我的哥哥。 [00:22.75]How old is he? He's 31. [00:25.18]他多大了? 他三十一了。 [00:27.61]Is he married?

  • • 洪恩环境英语第一册课文 第12课:谁是主播

    Lesson 12 Who's the host? 谁是主播 [00:06.69]So,Steven,Who's the host? [00:20.08]那么,史蒂文,谁是主播? [00:33.46]Is it Susan? Is it John?or am I the host? [00:36.14]是苏珊吗?是约翰吗?或者是我? [00:38.82]Who's the host? It's very hot in here. [0