• • 英语听书《海底两万里》第566期 第36章 结尾(2)

    But what happened to the Nautilus? 但鹦鹉螺号船只现在怎么样? Did it withstand the Maelstrom's clutches? 它能挣脱大漩流吗? Is Captain Nemo alive? 尼摩船长还活着吗? Is he still under the ocean pursuing his frightful pr...

  • • 英语听书《海底两万里》第565期 第36章 结尾(1)

    Chapter 23 Conclusion 第廿三章 结尾 We come to the conclusion of this voyage under the seas. 以下是这次海底旅行的结尾。 What happened that night, how the skiff escaped from the Maelstrom's fearsome eddies, 那天晚上发生的一切...

  • • 英语听书《海底两万里》第564期 第35章 尼摩船长的最后几句话(11)

    This was where the Nautilus had been sent accidentally--or perhaps deliberately--by its captain. 就在这里,鹦鹉螺号船只无意或有意地被他的船长引了进来。 It was sweeping around in a spiral whose radius kept growing smaller an...

  • • 英语听书《海底两万里》第563期 第35章 尼摩船长的最后几句话(10)

    After likewise closing the opening in the skiff, the Canadian began to unscrew the nuts still bolting us to the underwater boat. 同时也把小艇的入口关上,加拿大人还把潜艇上固定着小艇的螺丝拧出来。 Suddenly a noise from...

  • • 英语听书《海底两万里》第562期 第35章 尼摩船长的最后几句话(9)

    I arrived at the corner door of the lounge. I opened it gently. 我走到了客厅的角形门前,然后轻轻地把它打开。 The lounge was plunged in profound darkness. 客厅笼罩着深深的黑暗, Chords from the organ were reverberating...

  • • 英语听书《海底两万里》第561期 第35章 尼摩船长的最后几句话(8)

    I closed my eyes. I no longer wanted to think. 我闭上眼睛,我不愿意再想下去了。 A half hour still to wait! 还有半个小时的等待! A half hour of nightmares that could drive me insane! 半个小时使我发疯的恶梦! Just...

  • • 英语听书《海底两万里》第560期 第35章 尼摩船长的最后几句话(7)

    It was an insane idea. 这真是一种疯狂的念头。 Fortunately I controlled myself and stretched out on the bed to soothe my bodily agitation. 幸好,我克制住自己,我躺到床上去,让体内的骚动平息一下。 My nerves calmed...

  • • 英语听书《海底两万里》第559期 第35章 尼摩船长的最后几句话(6)

    The Canadian left without giving me time to answer him. 然后,加拿大人不等我说话就出去了。 I wanted to verify the Nautilus's heading. I made my way to the lounge. 于是我回到客厅里,确定一下鹦鹉螺号船只的方向。...

  • • 英语听书《海底两万里》第557期 第35章 尼摩船长的最后几句话(4)

    Conseil couldn't coax a single word out of him and feared that, 康塞尔因为从加拿大人那里逼不出一句话, in a fit of delirium while under the sway of a ghastly homesickness, Ned would kill himself. 害怕他在过度颓丧中,在吓人...

  • • 英语听书《海底两万里》第556期 第35章 尼摩船长的最后几句话(3)

    Time was in abeyance on the ship's clocks. 船上的时钟已经停止了。 As happens in the polar regions, it seemed that night and day no longer followed their normal sequence. 我们好像是处在两极地区一样,黑夜和白天不再按正常...

  • • 英语听书《海底两万里》第555期 第35章 尼摩船长的最后几句话(2)

    I could barely glimpse the swift passing of longnose sharks, hammerhead sharks, 这时,我勉强瞥见一些迅速掠过的长鼻角鲨,双髻鱼, spotted dogfish that frequent these waters, big eagle rays, 经常出没于这一带海域的猫鲨...

  • • 英语听书《海底两万里》第554期 第35章 尼摩船长的最后几句话(1)

    Chapter 22 The Last Words of Captain Nemo 第廿二章 尼摩船长的最后几句话 The panels closed over this frightful view, but the lights didn't go on in the lounge. 嵌板对着这幅恐怖的画面关上了,但客厅里的灯没有点着。...

  • • 英语听书《海底两万里》第553期 第34章 大屠杀(14)

    The thrust of the waters was so great, the Nautilus swerved away. 海水涌得如此地凶猛,使鹦鹉螺号也发生了偏向。 The poor ship then sank more swiftly. 那艘不幸的船下沉得更快。 Its mastheads appeared, laden with victims...

  • • 英语听书《海底两万里》第552期 第34章 大屠杀(13)

    An enormous mass was sinking beneath the waters, and the Nautilus, missing none of its death throes, was descending into the depths with it. 一个巨大的物体正往水里下沉,为了不错过看到它垂死的样子,鹦鹉螺号跟着它一起...