• • 法律英语就该这么说 第1期:初级律师代表诉讼委托人支付了罚款

    必背句型: A:Who paid the fine? 谁支付了罚款? B:The solicitor paid the fine on behalf of his client. 初级律师代表诉讼委托人支付了罚款。 A lawyer should exercise independent professional judgment on behalf of a client. 律师

  • • 法律英语就该这么说 第2期:被告决定不要律师的服务

    必背句型: 被告决定不要律师的服务 A:The accused decided to dispense with the services of a lawyer. 被告决定不要律师的服务。 B:Did he want to solve it by himself? 难道他不想要自己解决吗? They decided to deispense

  • • 法律英语就该这么说 第3期:他被剥夺了会见他的律师的权利

    必背句型: A:Why was he so upset? 他为什么如此失落? B:He was denied the right to see his lawyer. 他被剥夺了会见他的律师的权利。 He was denied the right to write the novel. 他被剥夺了写小说的权利。 He was denied

  • • 法律英语就该这么说 第4期:他是一个开业“初级律师”

    必背句型: A:He has set up in practice as a solicitor. 他已是一个开业初级律师。 B:He is so great. 他真厉害。 He has set up in practice as a doctor. 他已是一个开业医生。 I have set up in practice as a lawyer. 我已是一个

  • • 法律英语就该这么说 第5期:律师对证人证词的可靠性表示怀疑

    必背句型: A:He has set up in practice as a solicitor. 他已是一个开业初级律师。 B:He is so great. 他真厉害。 He has set up in practice as a doctor. 他已是一个开业医生。 I have set up in practice as a lawyer. 我已是一个

  • • 法律英语就该这么说 第6期:他是一个开业“初级律师”

    必背句型: A:He has set up in practice as a solicitor. 他已是一个开业初级律师。 B:He is so great. 他真厉害。 He has set up in practice as a doctor. 他已是一个开业医生。 I have set up in practice as a lawyer. 我已是一个

  • • 法律英语就该这么说 第7期:

    必背句型: A:What's wrong with the police? 警察怎么了? B:The police were accused of tampering with the evidence. 。 The doctor was accused of killing patient. 医生被指控杀了病人。 They was accused of st

  • • 法律英语就该这么说 第9期:他被警方通缉

    必背句型: A:He is wanted by the police. 他被警方通缉。 B:Why?What did he do? 为什么?他做了什么? The man is wanted by the police. 这个人被警方通缉。 Are they wanted by the police? 他们被警方通缉了吗? Why is h

  • • 法律英语就该这么说 第10期:责任是由法律规定的

    必背句型: A:The duty is imposed by the law. 责任是由法律规定的。 B:How do you know? 你怎么知道的? My work is imposed by the manager. 我的工作是是由经理决定的。 Whats your work imposed by the boss? 老板规定给你的

  • • 法律英语就该这么说 第11期:在英国检察总长在某些案件中代表王室进行公诉

    必背句型: A:In Great Britain,the Attorney General prosecutes for the Crown in certain cases. 在英国,检察总长在某些案件中代表王室进行公诉。 B:What about in America? 那在美国呢? The lawyer prosecutes for the person in

  • • 法律英语就该这么说 第14期:州地方检察官被任命在刑事案件中代表州政府进行

    必背句型: A:What was the district attorney appointed to do? 州地方检察官被任命做什么? B:The district attorney was appointed to represent the state in criminal cases. 州地方检察官被任命在刑事案件中代表州政府进行公

  • • 法律英语就该这么说 第15期:有些地方检察官是经选举而非任命产生的

    必背句型: A:In some places,public prosecutors are elected rather than appointed. 在有些地方,检察官是经选举而非任命产生的。 B:But I think most are appointed. 但我觉得大部分是任命的。 I want to eat apple rather tha