• • 星级饭店大堂英语 1_check in添加文本

    [00:00.00]Lesson One Guest Comes to Register [00:30.71]第一课 请客人登记 [01:01.41]G:Hi,Im here to check in. [01:03.29]旅客:你好,我来登记入住。 [01:05.18]R:You must be Mr.Larson. [01:07.46]登记员:你一定是Larson先生吧。 [

  • • 星级饭店大堂英语 4_laundry delivery

    [00:00.00]Lesson One [00:23.60]第一课 [00:47.20]Laundry's Late [00:48.82]客房衣服送晚了 [00:50.44]G:Where's my laundry [00:52.73]旅客:我的衣服洗好了吗? [00:55.01]It's 8:00 already and I haven't received my laundry yet. [00:57.80

  • • 星级饭店大堂英语 5_phone bill

    [00:00.00]Lesson One [00:24.10]第一课 [00:48.20]Guest Thinks Was Overcharged for a Call [00:50.77]客人认为被多收了电话费 [00:53.34]G:I think there's a mistake on my phone bill. [00:55.63]旅客:我认为电话计费单搞错了。 [00:5

  • • 星级饭店大堂英语 8_visitors coming

    [00:00.00]Lesson One [00:22.86]第一课 [00:45.71]Announcing Visitors to Guest [00:47.74]通知有客人来访 [00:49.76]R:Excuse me,sir,may I help you? [00:52.79]接待员:对不起,先生,我能为您做什么吗? [00:55.82]V:No,thank you.I'm

  • • 星级饭店大堂英语 10_pays his rent

    [00:00.00]Lesson One [00:23.39]第一课 [00:46.79]Paying By Credit Card [00:48.82]用信用卡结账 [00:50.86]G:Hello.I've come to pay my bill. [00:53.73]旅客:您好,我来结账。 [00:56.61]C:Okay.Just a moment please.Let me get our copy... [

  • • 星级饭店大堂英语 11_phone manner

    [00:00.00]Lesson One [00:22.90]第一课 [00:45.79]Putting Caller on Hold [00:47.62]请打电话的人等候 [00:49.45]R:Reception. [00:50.89]接待员:你好,前台。 [00:52.32]G:Is this Susan? [00:54.50]旅客:是苏珊吗? [00:56.69]R:Yes it

  • • 星级饭店大堂英语 12_check out

    [00:00.00]Lesson One [00:22.40]第一课 [00:44.80]General Procedure [00:46.47]一般程序 [00:48.14]G:I'd like to check out. [00:49.66]旅客:我想结账离店。 [00:51.17]R:Have you settled bill? [00:52.79]接待员:您结账了吗? [00:54.41]

  • • 星级饭店大堂英语 13_arranging a taxi

    [00:00.00]Lesson One To Beijing [00:22.41]第一课 去北京 [00:44.83]G:Could I ask for your help in arranging a taxi for me tomorrow? [00:48.09]旅客:请你明天帮我安排一辆出租车好吗? [00:51.36]R:Certainly ...Where would you like t

  • • 星级饭店大堂英语 14_guest's complaining

    [00:00.00]Lesson One [00:22.40]第一课 [00:44.80]A Burnt out Light Bulb [00:46.43]灯泡坏了 [00:48.07]G:One of my light bulbs is burnt out. [00:49.99]旅客:我的一只灯泡烧坏了。 [00:51.91]R:Which one? [00:53.34]接待员:哪只灯泡?