• • 学英语 01 Time时间

    Time He will come at 9pm. 他晚上九点过来. It starts at 10am. 早上十点开始. Meet him at mid-night. 午夜与他见面. Meet him at noon. 中午与他见面. Meet him in the afternoon. 下午与他见面. Meet him in the evening. 傍晚与他见面. Meet him this morning. 早

  • • 学英语 02 Thankfulness Blessings致谢祝福

    Thankfulness Blessings 致谢祝福! Good luck. 祝你幸运! Have a nice day. 祝你有美好的一天。 I owe you a fever. 我欠你个人情。 I owe you an apology. 我应该向你道歉。 I'm sorry. 对不起! Say my love to Gail. 代我向盖尔问候! Sorry! 对不起! Thank you

  • • 学英语 05 Wedding Anniversary结婚周年

    It's a wedding anniversary今天是我们的结婚纪念日 It's a fifth wedding anniversary今天是我们的结婚5周年纪念日 It's a tenth anniversary今天是我们的锡婚纪念日 It's a china anniversary今天是我们的瓷婚纪念日 It's a silver anniversary今天是我们的银婚纪念

  • • 学英语 06 Transportation交通工具

    Transportation 交通工具 I got there on foot. 我走路去那儿。 I got there by bus. 我搭公车去那儿。 I got there by train. 我搭火车去那儿。 I got there by bullet train 我搭子弹列车去那儿。 I got there by MRT. 我搭捷运去那儿。 I got there by airplane. 我

  • • 学英语 14 Hobbies嗜好添加文本

    14 Hobbies嗜好 I like to paint. 我喜欢画画。 I bought painting stuff.我买画画的素材。 Cooking is my hobby.烹饪是我的嗜好。 I broiled fish.我煎鱼。 I play the piano.我弹钢琴。 I joined the photography club.我参加摄影