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(Tony Blair) 1953年5月6日生于英国北部的爱丁堡市一个中产阶级家庭。他毕业于牛津大学圣约翰学院法律系,1984年成为大律师,1994年被女王封为枢密院成员。。1997年5月任首相,成为自1812年以来英国最年轻的首相,后兼任首席财政大臣和文官部大臣。2001年6月在大选中再次获胜,连任首相,成为英国历史上首位连任的工党首相。,。



  • :Tourism and foot and mouth disease

    Transcript of the Prime Minister's broadcast on Foot and Mouth Disease This weekend will see the traditional start to the tourism season in Britain - when hundreds of castles, historic houses, wildlife centres and other attractions open their doors...

  • :The Pre-Budget Report

    Prime Minister's broadcast 10 November 2000 - Pre-Budget Report If your home or business is flooded, or your journey to work badly disrupted because of floods or work on the railways, it's not been a pleasant time. I saw for myself last week the dev...

  • :The Extreme Weather and Fuel

    Prime Minister's Webcast on the Extreme Weather and Fuel - 2 November 2000 I'm recording this webcast just before I go to see for myself the severe damage that the recent storms and torrential rain have caused and are still causing - to large parts...

  • :The Environment and Business

    Transcript of the Prime Minister's Broadcast on the Environment and Business Friday 27 October 2000 One of the usual criticisms of Governments and politicians is that they are all words and no action. So it was a bit of a novelty this week to be und...

  • :The Budget

    LAUNCH OF ONE - A NEW CONTRACT WITH THE PEOPLE The image that many people have of the average DSS office can be pretty grim. They think of barriers in front of you, a bureaucratic system, grubby offices. Now imagine what it is like for a disabled pe...

  • :StrategicDirection

    Friday 12 May - Strategic Direction of Government You may have heard me and my colleagues talking over the last few days about the need to keep focussed on the long-term - warning of the need not to get blown about by day to day events. In Governmen...

  • :StrategicDirection


  • :Sierra Leone

    Britain's role in Sierra Leone: Prime Minister's broadcast, Friday 19 May 2000 There are many things about this country which make us proud. But close to the top of any list must come our Armed Forces. Their professionalism and courage has earned re...

  • :Russia

    PRIME MINISTER'S INTERNET BROADCAST, 13 APRIL 2000 - RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA I'm sometimes asked why so much of a Prime Minister's time is spent on foreign affairs when there are so many pressing problems here at home. And I've got some sympathy with...

  • :Northern Ireland

    Transcript by the Prime Minister and Taoiseach for Internet broadcast on Northern Ireland, 20/04/00 Prime Minister I want to talk today about a subject on which I've probably spent almost as much time as anything else since I became Prime Minister -...

  • :NHS Plan

    Transcript of the Prime Minister's Broadcast on the NHS Plan Friday 28 July 2000 The creation of the National Health Service back in 1948 lifted a massive worry from people's lives. For the first time, health care did not depend on wealth. Need, not...

  • :New Deal for over-50s

    The New Deal for older people Overall the British economy is stronger today, but, if we are to continue to increase prosperity and living standards, we have to make sure that we have the best possible use of the talents and energy of all the British...

  • :Mozambique

    TRANSCRIPT OF THE PRIME MINISTER'S BROADCAST ON 3 MARCH 2000 The scenes this week from Mozambique have been incredibly moving. I don't suppose any of us will forget the extraordinary courage of the pregnant woman clambering for safety up a tree havi...

  • :Investment

    Transcript of the Prime Minister's broadcast on investment Wherever you look in our country, you can see the result of decades of under-investment. Children still being taught in cramped or prefab classrooms. Patients treated in wards built long bef...

  • :Foot and Mouth Disease

    Transcript of the Prime Minister's broadcast on Foot and Mouth Disease I want to speak today about the devastating outbreak of foot and mouth disease, to say what we are doing to control and eradicate it, and how everyone can play their part in ensu...