• • Lesson 4 What Do You Do?

    Tony: What do you do, Jenny? Jenny: I'm a secretary. And you? Tony: I'm a construction worker. Jenny: Do you like your work? Tony: Yes, 1 do. How about you? Jenny: Well, I want to be an actress. 你是做什么的? 托尼:詹妮,你是做什么的

  • • Lesson 6 Is This Your Dog?

    Mrs. Lee: Is this your dog? Tony : Yes, it is. Why? Mrs. Lee: Well, your dog chases my cat. Tony : Oh, I'm sorry. Mrs. Lee: Please keep your dog on a leash. Tony : Yes, ma'am. 这是你的狗吗? 李太太:这是你的狗吗? 托 尼:是的。怎么

  • • Lesson 8 Do You Speak Spanish?

    Joe : Do you speak Spanish? Jeannic: No, I don't, Joe : Does he speak Spanish? Jeannie: Yes, he does. Joe : Is he from Spain? Jeannie: No, he isn't. He's from Mexico. 你会说西班牙语吗? 乔 :你会说西班牙语吗? 吉妮:不,我不会。 乔 :他会说西班牙语吗?

  • • Lesson 10 What Are You Doing?

    Betty and Bob are talking on the telephone. Betty: Hi, Bob. What are you doing? Bob : I'm watching TV. How about you? Betty: I'm doing my homework. Bob : You are a good student, Betty. 你在做什么? 贝蒂和鲍勃在讲电话。 贝蒂:嗨,鲍勃

  • • Lesson 12 Where's Chen from?

    A: Where's Chen from? B: He's from Malaysia. A: Really? He looks Chinese. B: As a matter of fact, he is Chinese, but he really is from Malaysia. A: That's very interesting. 小陈是哪国人? 甲:小陈是哪一国人? 乙:他是马来西亚人。

  • • Lesson 14 Why Are You Smiling?

    Mary: Why are you smiling? Tony: I'm thinking about school. Mary: Why does that make you smile? Tony: Because there is no school tomorrow. Mary: Oh, I see. Tony: Now you're smiling, too! 你为什么在微笑? 玛丽:你为什么在微笑? 托尼: