• • 大学英语自学教程下UNIT4

    [00:00.00]Unit 4 text A Slavery on Our Doorstep [00:03.75]我们身边的奴役 [00:07.50]There are estimated to be more than 20,000 overseas domestic servants [00:11.38]据估计,在英国工作的外籍家庭佣人有两万多人 [00:15.26]working in Britain (the exact figur...

  • • 大学英语自学教程下UNIT8

    [00:00.00]Unit 8 text A Jet Lag:Prevention and Cure [00:04.30]喷气飞行时差综合征的预防和治疗 [00:08.59]The problem of Jet Lag [00:12.43]is one every international traveller comes across at some time. [00:15.52]乘喷气式飞机因时差而引起的生理节奏的破坏...

  • • 大学英语自学教程下UNIT9

    [00:04.99]Aging is European Countries [00:07.56]欧洲国家的老龄化 [00:10.14]We have to realise how old,how very old,we are. [00:13.56]我们不得不认识到我们多大岁数了,有多老了. [00:16.98]Nations are classified asaged [00:22.83]when they have 7 per cento...

  • • 大学英语自学教程下UNIT11

    [00:04.41]Sacrificed to Science? [00:06.30]为科学牺牲? [00:08.18]Professor Colin Blakmore works at Oxford University Medical School [00:11.45] 科林.布莱克默教授在牛津大学医学院工作, [00:14.73]doing research into eye problems [00:17.25]从事眼睛疾病的...

  • • 大学英语自学教程下UNIT14

    [00:04.49]The Teacher's Last Shocking Lesson [00:06.97] 老师令人震惊的最后一课 [00:09.46]A remarkable woman reasons with her killer--and tapes it [00:12.84] 一位非凡的女人劝说杀害她的凶手---并录下音来 [00:16.22]She used the miniature tape recorder [0...

  • • 大学英语自学教程下UNIT15

    [00:04.28]The Computer and The Poet [00:06.48]计算机和诗人 [00:08.67]The essential problem of man in a computerized age [00:15.02]remains the Sameas it has always been. [00:17.80] 电子计算机时代人们的基本问题仍是一直存在的问题相同。 [00:20.58]That pr...