

  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



  1.Where does the conversation take place?

  A.In a post office.     B.In a bank.

  C.In a store.

  2.What does the woman care about most?

  A.The job. B.Jenny's health.

  C.The man's ability.

  3.Why is the man taking the computer class?

  A.To get a better job.

  B.To keep up with the changes.

  C.To get a degree in computer science.

  4.What did the woman do yesterday?

  A.She rested at home.

  B.She went to the hospital.

  C.She went to the new French restaurant.

  5.What does the man advise the woman to do?

  A.Use a dictionary.

  B.Wait until tomorrow.

  C.Turn to others for help.




  6.What is the woman telling her father about?

  A.Her visit to Greenwich Park.

  B.Her sightseeing experience.

  C.Her plan for her holiday.

  7.When is the woman going to see a show?

  A.On her last night. B.Next weekend.



  8.At what age is a person allowed to drink in America?

  A.18.     B.20.     C.21.

  9.What does one need to do in his birthday celebration?

  A.Just enjoy the special day.

  B.Take care of everything.

  C.Pay the bill.


  10.Why does the company fire Jim?

  A.There is a crisis and a new machine.

  B.He is always late for work.

  C.He's not suitable for the job.

  11.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?

  A.Headmaster and teacher.

  B.Manager and secretary.

  C.Director and actress.

  12.What can we learn about the man speaker?

  A.He was once fired.

  B.He needn't talk to Jim himself.

  C.He asked Sara to work here.


  13.How did the woman get to the museum?

  A.By subway.    B.By bus.     C.By car.

  14.How many of the paintings did the woman see?

  A.Very few of them. B.About half of them.

  C.Almost all of them.

  15.Whose painting did the woman like the most?

  A.Diego Rivera. B.Frida Kahlo.

  C.Henri Matisse.

  16.What does the man want to do together with the woman?

  A.Make some paintings.

  B.Go travelling this summer.

  C.Visit the museum again.


  17.Whose pet dog was the one in 1918 ?

  A.A doctor's.   B.A soldier's.   C.Dorothy's.

  18.Where did Dorothy go to learn about the guide dogs?

  A.America. B.Germany. C.England.

  19.How long does it take to train a little dog to be a guide dog?

  A.Over 2 years. B.14 months. C.4 months.

  20.What will the listeners do next?

  A.Teach dogs to be guides.

  B.Introduce their pet dogs.

  C.Visit the center.


  Text 1

  M:I'd like four airmail stamps and eight regular stamps,please.

  W:Here you are.That will be three dollars and fifty cents.

  Text 2

  M:It's really too bad that this had to happen.Jenny was supposed to start her new job in the morning.But that's a problem now.

  W:Why are you worried about her job at a time like this?Her health is the most important thing now.

  Text 3

  W:You're taking another computer class?I thought you already had a degree in computer science.

  M:I do,but technology keeps changing all the time.This is the best way to keep up with it.

  Text 4

  M:It was too bad that you couldn't come to dinner with us at the new French restaurant yesterday.The food was wonderful,and the atmosphere was very warm.

  W:I'm sorry,but I just didn't feel up to it.I was sick with the flu,and I thought I would be better off just staying at home.

  Text 5

  W:I'm translating a Chinese letter into French.And there are a few sentences I don't know how to translate.Could you help me out?

  M:Let me see...Hmm,these are too difficult for me.When do you need to finish it?Maybe you should use a dictionary.

  Text 6

  W:We're having a lovely time,Dad.

  M:I'm sure there's a lot to do.

  W:There is! We've been for a walk in Central Park.It's so big!Everything there is big.And we've climbed the Empire State Building.The view is fantastic.

  M:Have you seen the Statue of Liberty yet?

  W:Oh,yes,we have.We've just had a helicopter out of the city,and we flew really close to it.

  M:What about a show?Have you seen a show on Broadway yet?

  W:No,we haven't.We're going to see one on our last night here,but we haven't decided what to see yet.

  Text 7

  M:Look! Someone is celebrating his birthday.

  W:This must be his 21st birthday.No doubt about it.

  M:Why?Do you know that guy?

  W:No.Well,in America,21 is the age when you're allowed to drink.So,many guys celebrate it in bars.

  M:That's interesting.But it would be really expensive,I suppose.Just think about all the drinks.

  W:No.If it's your birthday,then you don't need to pay a cent.Just blow out the candles and open the gifts.That makes the birthday a special day.Your friends will take care of everything.

  M:Wow,that's wonderful.

  Text 8

  W:Jim has been here for years.Do we have to fire him?

  M:Well,in the face of the crisis,we have to cut jobs.Besides,with the new machine,we don't need him.

  W:Is there anything else he can do around here?

  M:Nothing,I've checked.I have no other choices.

  W:Maybe you're right.OK,I'll tell Jim.

  M:No,Sara.I need to talk to him myself.It was I who asked him to work here.

  W:But it might be easier for me to talk to him than for you.

  M:No,thanks,Sara.You don't know what it's like to be fired.

  W:You,a general manager,know what it's like?

  M:Yes.I was 30 years old at the time,working in a big company.One morning,I found an announcement on my desk.It said,“Clear your office by noon today.” No explanation,no apology,no thanks for a job well done.

  W:That really hurts.

  Text 9

  M:How was school today?

  W:It was fun.Our class went on a field trip to the Museum of Modern Art.

  M:You did?How did you get there?

  W:We took the bus.

  M:Oh,really?Isn't the subway faster?

  W:Sure.But it's also more crowded.The teachers would like to keep an eye on us.

  M:I see.So,how was the museum?

  W:It was great.It is so big that we only saw about half of the paintings.I'd have to go back another day to see them all.But I did see some great ones!

  M:Did you have a favorite?

  W:Yeah.My favorite was a painting by Diego Rivera.I stared at it for about fifteen minutes.There were some nice ones by his wife Frida Kahlo,too.

  M:Yes,I've seen those.My favorite painting there is actually by Henri Matisse.Did you see that one?

  W:No,I didn't.

  M:Well,we should go to the museum together this summer so I can show it to you.

  Text 10

  Welcome to Guide Dogs Training Center,boys and girls! First let me tell you something about guide dogs.

  In 1918 a doctor and his pet dog walked with a soldier who was blind.The doctor went in the hospital for a short time.When he came out,he saw his pet had guided the soldier on the other side of the hospital yard safely.So he taught a dog to guide a person and it worked out well.Germany helped start a program to teach dogs to be guides.

  Dorothy,an American woman,went to Germany to find out more about the guide dogs.When she came back to the United States,she wrote about it in a magazine.Soon more people knew about the guide dogs.

  The best dogs for the job are clever and fit.It takes more than 2 years to train a little dog to be a guide dog.When the dog is 14 months old,it learns many instructions.Then the owner and the dog meet,and they practice for 4 weeks.

  Have I made myself clear?OK,let's go on visiting.

  答案 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.C