


  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



  1.Who will the man go traveling with?

  A.His friends.

  B.His workmates.

  C.His wife and children.

  2.What would the man like to do tonight?

  A.Attend a meeting.

  B.Stay at home.

  C.Go to the cinema.

  3.Where are the speakers?

  A.In Salt Lake City.

  B.In San Francisco.

  C.In New England.

  4.What did the woman's mother do?

  A.A babysitter.   B.A teacher. C.A lawyer.

  5.What are the speakers doing?

  A.Saying goodbye to each other.

  B.Having a dinner party.

  C.Cooking at the man's.




  6.What are the speakers talking about?

  A.The dressing. B.The fashion. C.The color.

  7.What may the woman wear?

  A.Tight top.

  B.Purple jeans.

  C.Something comfortable.


  8.What does the man think about baseball?

  A.He is a big fan.

  B.He only watches the World Series.

  C.He doesn't care about it at all.

  9.What is true about the man's favorite team?

  A.They play in a different city now.

  B.They have never been in the championship.

  C.They haven't won a championship for a long time.


  10.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

  A.The price of new cars.

  B.How to shop for a new car.

  C.What kind of car would suit the man's needs.

  11.What is most important to the man?

  A.Being safe.

  B.Saving money.

  C.Looking good.

  12.What will the man probably do in the end?

  A.Buy a used sports car.

  B.Buy a new car that uses less gas.

  C.Buy the woman's SUV.


  13.Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A.At a coffee shop.

  B.At a crime scene.

  C.At a police station.

  14.How did Mr.Parker see what happened?

  A.He drove by on his way to work.

  B.He walked by on his way home.

  C.He was in that neighborhood during lunchtime.

  15.According to Mr.Parker,what was the thief wearing?

  A.Blue jeans.

  B.A blue jacket.

  C.A white baseball hat.

  16.What did the woman ask about the thief in the end?

  A.His build.

  B.The weapons he had.

  C.The color of his hair.


  17.When should the landlord be informed of the leaving?

  A.A month earlier.

  B.13 days earlier.

  C.3 days earlier.

  18.Under what condition will the tenant be fined?

  A.The tenant doesn't pay a deposit.

  B.The tenant doesn't sign a contract.

  C.The tenant doesn't keep a contract.

  19.What can you expect in a townhouse?

  A.Single bathrooms.

  B.Big yards.

  C.Shared bedrooms.

  20.What will happen if you don't care for your single-family home?

  A.You'll be fined.

  B.Your neighbors will be upset.

  C.You'll be forced to leave the house.


  Text 1

  W:Are you traveling alone?

  M:No,I will take my family abroad this time.My wife and our three children are all going along with me.

  W:What a wonderful experience that will be!I wish I could travel abroad some day.

  Text 2

  W:Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?

  M:I'd rather stay at home and watch TV.I have to get up early to attend a meeting tomorrow.

  Text 3

  W:What a wonderful afternoon!This is even better than San Francisco and Salt Lake City.

  M:We're lucky to be in New England this time of year.

  Text 4

  M:Did your mother have a professional career,or did she work at home?

  W:Actually,she did both.When we were young,she stayed at home.Later,she went back to school and became a lawyer.

  Text 5

  M:OK,drop in whenever you like.

  W:Yes,I'll do that.Thank you for asking me to dinner.It's a nice dinner party and I've enjoyed your cooking.

  M:I'm glad you enjoy yourself.

  Text 6

  W:Nice dress.How do I look?Be honest.

  M:Hmm...you look too dressed up.How about this purple top and these jeans?

  W:Well,that top is a little too tight,and those jeans aren't dressy enough.And I don't feel comfortable with that.

  M:Don't always find fault with that.Be confident.Wear styles you're going to be comfortable in.

  W:That sounds about right.

  Text 7

  W:Are you going to watch the World Series?

  M:No.I don't care about that anymore.

  W:Why is that?I thought you were a huge baseball fan.

  M:I am...but my team isn't in the championship anymore,so I don't have any reason to watch the games.

  W:But don't you want to see who wins?You know...as a fan of the game?

  M:Look,Judy.I don't really want to talk about this,okay?I'm still upset that we lost,and I don't think I'll be able to move on until this whole thing is over.I actually can't wait for the World Series to end!

  W:Oh,I had no idea that you felt that way.Sorry if I made it worse.

  M:It's OK.I guess I get a little too emotional about it.It's only because this happens to us every year.We haven't won a championship since I was a kid!

  Text 8

  M:Stacy,I need to buy a new car.I need something with good safety features that doesn't use a lot of gas,but I also need it to be decent to look at.It also has to be pretty cheap.

  W:Well,you've just described the impossible!Freddie,you need to be realistic.You probably won't be able to have all those things in one car.You can't have everything in life,you know.

  M:Yeah,I figured.

  W:So,what's the most important thing?

  M:Well,I only have twenty-five thousand dollars to spend.That's my upper limit.

  W:OK.We can basically forget about sports cars and big SUVs.But those don't really match the other requirements,anyway.Here's the big question:which is more important―looking good or using less gas?

  M:Well,I don't have a ton of extra money to spend on gas,so I guess I'll have to go with something a bit more economical.

  W:Cool.You don't even need a fancy car,if you ask me.And the good news is that less expensive cars that don't use a lot of gas tend to be really safe.

  Text 9

  W:Thank you for coming down today,Mr.Parker.Would you like some coffee?

  M:No,thank you.

  W:Mr.Parker,please tell us what you saw on the night of February 18.

  M:Well,I was walking home from work that night.I usually drive to work,but my car was in the shop that day.Anyway,I saw this little old lady crossing the street,and this guy came out of nowhere and grabbed her purse.

  W:Did he have a gun,Mr.Parker?

  M:It was dark,but I'm sure I didn't see any weapons.He did push her down to the ground,though.She screamed,and the man ran away.

  W:Did you see what he was wearing?

  M:He had a black baseball hat on.He was wearing blue jeans and white shoes.

  W:Do you remember how tall he was?What about his build?

  M:He seemed kind of normal,I suppose...

  W:Could you be more specific,Mr.Parker?

  M:I'm sorry.I'm really not good at guessing those kinds of things.He is a little shorter and a little heavier than me.I'm six feet tall and I weigh 190 pounds.

  W:That's very helpful,Mr.Parker.Thank you.

  Text 10

  W:In America,you can choose from a variety of places to live.Your choice will depend on your needs and your budget!You can rent or lease an apartment.If you rent an apartment,you live in it month by month.If you want to move out,you must tell the landlord 30 days before you leave.If you lease an apartment,you sign a contract to live in the apartment for a longer period of time.If you leave before a contract ends,you must pay a fine.

  Maybe you'd like to live in a townhouse with single bathrooms and bedrooms.However,these share at least one wall with other homes,and they do not have big yards.If you live in a single-family home,you must take good care of the house and the yard.If you don't,your neighbors will complain.

  答案 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.B