

Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Post-graduate Craze. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 目前很多人报考研究生

2. 你认为此现象的原因是什么

3. 你的观点和看法


The Post-graduate Craze

With the development of the competitive society, more and more people would like to go to graduate school. On one hand, thousands of ambitious young undergraduates are taking part in the National Graduate Entrance Exam each year in order to find a better job. On the other hand, more and more employees in all walks of life are trying their best to be post graduates.

There are several reasons why so many people are so enthusiastic about the post graduate studies. Firstly, the majority of the people who want to be post graduates are trying to save themselves from the employment pressure. With the development of education standard, a bachelor’s degree is no longer a sufficient qualification to ensure a decent job. Secondly, although some people have been employed for years, they find the knowledge they have leaned inadequate to meet the demand of this ever changing world.

In my opinion, before we make the choice, those questions need to be answered: Do I need practical work experience or theoretical knowledge? Can graduate school offer me what I want to learn? We have to think carefully before we decide to apply for graduate school.

小编推荐 2018年英语四级写作试题库(186篇)

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中华考试网 2018-07-21   【



Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Post-graduate Craze. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 目前很多人报考研究生

2. 你认为此现象的原因是什么

3. 你的观点和看法


The Post-graduate Craze

With the development of the competitive society, more and more people would like to go to graduate school. On one hand, thousands of ambitious young undergraduates are taking part in the National Graduate Entrance Exam each year in order to find a better job. On the other hand, more and more employees in all walks of life are trying their best to be post graduates.

There are several reasons why so many people are so enthusiastic about the post graduate studies. Firstly, the majority of the people who want to be post graduates are trying to save themselves from the employment pressure. With the development of education standard, a bachelor’s degree is no longer a sufficient qualification to ensure a decent job. Secondly, although some people have been employed for years, they find the knowledge they have leaned inadequate to meet the demand of this ever changing world.

In my opinion, before we make the choice, those questions need to be answered: Do I need practical work experience or theoretical knowledge? Can graduate school offer me what I want to learn? We have to think carefully before we decide to apply for graduate school.

小编推荐 2018年英语四级写作试题库(186篇)

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