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资料类型: 中学英语
更新时间: 2018-08-08
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标签情况: 初一英语
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A) 1. There are many ________ (架子)in our school library.
2. Does your brother like the colour of the _______ (领带)?
3. I have fruit and vegetables every day to keep ________.
4. Eddie is very _______ now. He needs some food to eat.
5. This pair of shoes is not too big or too small. It _______ you well.
6. Children often play ___________(排球) on Sundays.
7. Is your mother cooking in the ________(厨房)?
8. This kind of computer is __________ (昂贵的).
9. She started learning ________ (法语) at the age of twelve.
10. Last Friday our class gave a _______ (时装) show



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